Inspired by Android's very own Snackbar widget, SnackJS is an attempt to provide a minimal feedback notification in case of a web operation through a concise message and/or a single action response displayed at the bottom of the screen. For more information visit Google's Material Design - Snackbar & Toasts.
1. Clone the repository
git clone
2. Install using npm
npm install snackjs
3. Install using bower
bower install snackjs
In your HTML file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/snackjs.css">
<script src="/path/to/snack.js"></script>
A template declaration would be as follows
var snack = Snack.make("<your_message>", { /*<your_options>*/ });;
For example,
// Message-Only Snack
Snack.make("This is a Snack.").show();
// Message + Action Snack
Snack.make("This is a Snack with an action.", {
action : 'Okay',
onAction: function ( ) {
Or maybe, a chain call
var snack = new Snack();
snack.message ("Luke, I'm your father.")
.settings({ duration: Snack.LONG, hideOnClick: true })
Return | Method | Description |
Snack | make(message, option) |
Creates a snackbar with message and options provided. |
Snack | settings(option) |
Pass your options to settings to change them any time. |
Snack | message(message) |
Update the Snack's message. |
void | show() |
Display the Snack. |
void | hide() |
Hide the Snack. |
var snack = new Snack();
duration : Snack.SHORT /*default*/ | Snack.LONG | Snack.INDEFINITE | /*<your_duration_in_ms>*/,
action : null /*default*/ | "<your_action_string>",
actionColor: Snack.INFO /*default*/ | Snack.SUCCESS | Snack.WARNING | Snack.DANGER | "<your_hex_string>",
onAction : null /*default*/ | /*<your_function_object>*/,
hideOnClick: true /*default*/ | false