
Android Snackbars done right for the web.
Star Fork

Inspired by Android's very own Snackbar widget, SnackJS is an attempt to provide a minimal feedback notification in case of a web operation through a concise message and/or a single action response displayed at the bottom of the screen. For more information visit Google's Material Design - Snackbar & Toasts.


1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Install using npm

npm install snackjs

3. Install using bower

bower install snackjs

In your HTML file

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/snackjs.css">
    <script src="/path/to/snack.js"></script>

A template declaration would be as follows

var snack = Snack.make("<your_message>", { /*<your_options>*/ });;

For example,

// Message-Only Snack
Snack.make("This is a Snack.").show();

// Message + Action Snack
Snack.make("This is a Snack with an action.", {
  action  : 'Okay',
  onAction: function ( ) {

Or maybe, a chain call

var snack = new Snack();
snack.message ("Luke, I'm your father.")
     .settings({ duration: Snack.LONG, hideOnClick: true })
Return Method Description
Snack make(message, option) Creates a snackbar with message and options provided.
Snack settings(option) Pass your options to settings to change them any time.
Snack message(message) Update the Snack's message.
void show() Display the Snack.
void hide() Hide the Snack.
var snack = new Snack();
    duration   : Snack.SHORT /*default*/ | Snack.LONG | Snack.INDEFINITE | /*<your_duration_in_ms>*/,
    action     : null        /*default*/ | "<your_action_string>",
    actionColor: Snack.INFO  /*default*/ | Snack.SUCCESS | Snack.WARNING | Snack.DANGER | "<your_hex_string>",
    onAction   : null        /*default*/ | /*<your_function_object>*/,
    hideOnClick: true        /*default*/ | false 